Tuesday, January 29, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Former SBA President Adam Bridgers Endorses John McCain

After a careful consideration of the issues and the candidates, I believe that John McCain will best serve the United States as President in the coming years. His national security experience and ability to reach across the isle will prove important in the near future. On a practical note, I believe, in a national election against Obama or Clinton, McCain has the best change of securing the presidency.

McCain Wins Florida

With the win in Florida, McCain will have a substantial momentum going into "Super Tuesday." How do you think the final debates will play into the "Super Tuesday" results? Noting Rudy's big loss in Florida, I believe he will support McCain. McCain-Rudy ticket?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Obama to Add to Momentum in NH

Look for Obama to win the New Hampshire primary, adding to the momentum he established by winning the Iowa caucuses.

On the GOP side, there is no clear front-runner; however, Romney and McCain appear to be winning over most of the Republican votes.

After Obama was able to propel a record turn-out in Iowa, several candidates -- from both parties -- have jumped onto the bandwagon slogan of "Change." Let's see who the voters in New Hampshire believe in.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Dodd and Biden Drop

After the not-so unexpected victory by Democrat Barack Obama, Senator Chris Dodd and Senator Joe Biden have dropped their presidential bids. Obama took the Democratic caucus in Iowa with 38% of the votes, with former Senator John Edwards in second with 30%, and Senator Hillary Clinton taking third with 29% of the votes.

It can be certain that Edwards and Clinton will still be hot on the Heels on Obama for the foreseeable future, but will the absence of Dodd and Biden change the upcoming climate? Where will the additional votes be allocated among the top three now that some of the "funnel votes" have been removed?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Issues

What issues most concern us? Why? I say the economy, the war, and immigration.

Iowa Caucuses

Obama and Huckabee projected to win Iowa Caucuses. Can they keep the momentum going?